Articles | Volume 7, issue 6
21 Mar 2007
21 Mar 2007

Technical Note: A new SIze REsolved Aerosol Model (SIREAM)

E. Debry, K. Fahey, K. Sartelet, B. Sportisse, and M. Tombette

Abstract. We briefly present in this short paper a new SIze REsolved Aerosol Model (SIREAM) which simulates the evolution of atmospheric aerosol by solving the General Dynamic Equation (GDE). SIREAM segregates the aerosol size distribution into sections and solves the GDE by splitting coagulation and condensation/evaporation-nucleation. A quasi-stationary sectional approach is used to describe the size distribution change due to condensation/evaporation, and a hybrid equilibrium/dynamical mass-transfer method has been developed to lower the computational burden. SIREAM uses the same physical parameterizations as those used in the Modal Aerosol Model, MAM Sartelet et al. (2006). It is hosted in the modeling system Polyphemus Mallet et al., 2007, but can be linked to any other three-dimensional Chemistry-Transport Model.

Final-revised paper