Articles | Volume 19, issue 14
Research article
24 Jul 2019
Research article |  | 24 Jul 2019

Consistency and representativeness of integrated water vapour from ground-based GPS observations and ERA-Interim reanalysis

Olivier Bock and Ana C. Parracho

Data sets

GPS IWV data have the following DOI: global GPS IWV data at 120 stations of IGS permanent network Olivier Bock

Short summary
We examine the consistency of global IWV data from ERA-Interim reanalysis and 16 years of GPS observations. Representativeness differences are found to be a dominant error source, with a strong dependence on geographic, topographic, and climatic features, which explain both average and extreme differences. A methodology for reducing the representativeness errors and detecting the extreme, outlying, cases is discussed.
Final-revised paper