Articles | Volume 18, issue 1
Research article
11 Jan 2018
Research article |  | 11 Jan 2018

Vertically resolved concentration and liquid water content of atmospheric nanoparticles at the US DOE Southern Great Plains site

Haihan Chen, Anna L. Hodshire, John Ortega, James Greenberg, Peter H. McMurry, Annmarie G. Carlton, Jeffrey R. Pierce, Dave R. Hanson, and James N. Smith

Data sets

New Particle Formation Study 2013 NPFS

Tethered Balloon Launches During NPFS2013 TBNPFS

Short summary
Much of what we know about atmospheric new particle formation (NPF) is based on ground-level measurements. We used tethered balloon measurements and remote sensing to study the location in the boundary layer in which NPF events are initiated, the degree to which the boundary layer is well-mixed during NPF, and the potential role that water may play in aerosol particle chemical evolution. This information will improve the representativeness of process level models and laboratory experiments.
Final-revised paper