Articles | Volume 16, issue 11
Research article
10 Jun 2016
Research article |  | 10 Jun 2016

Tropospheric column ozone response to ENSO in GEOS-5 assimilation of OMI and MLS ozone data

Mark A. Olsen, Krzysztof Wargan, and Steven Pawson

Data sets

Monthly Atmospheric and SST Indices Climate Prediction Center

Short summary
Ozone observations from instruments on NASA’s Aura satellite are used to investigate the ENSO impact on tropospheric column ozone (TCO). This study provides the first explicit spatially resolved characterization of the ENSO influence in the mid-latitudes and shows coherent patterns and connections impacting the TCO in the extratropics. The TCO response to ENSO is large enough over some midlatitude regions that it must be considered when attributing the sources of variability and trends in TCO.
Final-revised paper